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Matrix 3d Jewelry Design Software 7 Free Download Fixed: Discover the Benefits of the Most Advanced

CrossGems is a professional jewelry software that allows you to design any complex model easily and quickly without having technical CAD knowledge.Our goal is to take advantage of parametric design without the need to learn traditional parametric trees, creating a powerful modeler that can be used by anyone.

Matrix 3d Jewelry Design Software 7 Free Download Fixed

Our background goes back to the origins of RhinoGold, we have always been moved by a passion for design, developing from RhinoGold 3 to RhinoGold 6.5 for more than 10 years until finally the company was acquired by a multinational, at which point we decided to create Panther 3D the world's first parametric jewelry software from Rhino and Grasshopper, CrossGems is its evolution in every respect.Throughout all these years we have learned thanks to listening to users and we can say that we have built a program with jewelers and for jewelers within the reach of anyone and we intend to continue doing so, so if you have any request, doubt or suggestion feel free to email us at and let us know.

There are far less free vector design applications out there than there are raster. Many CAD programs are 3-Dimensional vector programs that also allow for 2D vector graphics. For example, both Onshape and Tinkercad (see my CAD instructable) allow you to download a vector design that could be produced using a laser engraver. Neither of these applications focus on the aesthetics needed in graphic production like Illustrator or Corel though. 2ff7e9595c

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